Join us for an unforgettable session with Lisa Ray, whose extraordinary journey spans international cinema, entrepreneurship, and advocacy. A true embodiment of resilience and purpose-driven reinvention, Lisa will share invaluable insights on embracing uncertainty as a path to growth, transforming personal experiences into inspiration, and the vision behind founding TheUpsideSpace—a groundbreaking fusion of technology, art, and entrepreneurship driving positive change. Don’t miss this opportunity to rejuvenate your perspective, recalibrate your purpose, and inspire new horizons!
Join us for an unforgettable session with Lisa Ray, whose extraordinary journey spans international cinema, entrepreneurship, and advocacy. A true embodiment of resilience and purpose-driven reinvention, Lisa will share invaluable insights on embracing uncertainty as a path to growth, transforming personal experiences into inspiration, and the vision behind founding TheUpsideSpace—a groundbreaking fusion of technology, art, and entrepreneurship driving positive change. Don’t miss this opportunity to rejuvenate your perspective, recalibrate your purpose, and inspire new horizons!